Tuesday, 17 December 2019

My hero

Hey blogger, today I made a hero and is also so for the Summer Learning Journey Sight, we have to use shapes and lines to make our hero it was easy and fun and I also got to learn more tricks. If you want to see it the link is down here. Ok that all I have for you so blog you later.
Hello bloggers, for the past few weeks a girl(Megan) came in and told us about Summer Learning Journey all about it, she even bought in some prizes that you could win over the summer. She also gave us her blog so we could see what she's doing, she told us that if someone comments on our blogs we would get two points of each one. So year that all I have for you bloggers so blog you later.

Thursday, 12 December 2019

Choir night

Choir night
Hey blogger on the 26th of November it was the choir performance. It was exciting but some of the group were nervous. When we got there we were supposed to go to a room that no parents were supposed to go in. When it was time to walk on the stage you could see the audience watching you, that made me feel so nervous. We sang fourteen songs and out of the fourteen songs my favourite was, 'What about us.' So after, 'What about us' a kapa haka group performed on stage, they did a good job! When it was finished Hope,Callum and I went to McDonalds and brought some food. When it was all gone I went and dropped off Callum and Hope back home. I was so tired when I got home that I went straight to bed. Blog you later bloggers!