Saturday 11 April 2020

Fun activities

                                                                                                                 Fun activities at home.
Hey blogger today i'm going to be telling you want some fun activities I do at home but I don't have that much so let just get into it. First up is drawing but i'm not really get at it but I find it fun for some reason. I even drawed a girl that had flowers on her head but it not the best drawing ever but it my best on.
 Second is is making paper squishy for this I mostly make everyday. This is what you would need: paper,tape(clear),toy stuffing,pen,scissor s . So if you have any for these at home you could make them yourself. So first you get a piece of paper and you would want to fold it into a half. Next you get you pen or anything you want to draw with. So you draw anything on the piece of paper after you would need to tape it into strips and the back after that you cut it out. When your finished cutting you cut the sides but don't tape the whole thing you would leave one side open. That when you put in the toy stuffing then after that you tape it up and year that all and then you can squish it. So year that all that is fun at home but I can't wait for the lock down is finished because that when school starts again. ok bye bloggers see you later.     


  1. Hi Disaree!
    Awesome blog post. I love how you are explaining how to make a Paper Squishy. If you could, put down some photos of the drawings and paper squishy's you made, please. It's good that you're blogging in lock-down. If you want, come check out my blog at

    Well done Disaree, have a fabulous day!

  2. Nice job Disaree. Have your parents got the messages about Seesaw. Can they join it up? Could you look at your emails and let me know. Otherwise I will need to send to you. Cheers

    1. Ms Sands my mum lost the paper but we got the seesaw app but we need the code for it.

  3. Hi Disaree, thanks for posting about your activities. I really like the way you've given clear instruction so that someone else reading this post could make a squishy too - these can be good stress relievers when you squeeze them. Maybe next time you post, you could include a photograph of your activity. We're missing school too, but it's important that we stay at home and do all the right things to maintain the lock down. Take care and hopefully we'll see soon relatively soon.

  4. Hi Disaree. Thank you for the clear instructions on how to make a squishy. Maybe next time you could add a photograph so that we know what it is supposed to look like? We teachers are looking forward to seeing our classes on Wednesday via Google Hangout. It's hard, but we have got this! Kia kaha

  5. Hi Disaree, it’s great to hear about the fun activities that you are working on. I made some big sparkly Easter egg shapes to put on my window with some teddies. The children walking past have enjoyed seeing them. Maybe you could put some of your lovely drawings up on your window for people passing by to enjoy.
    Stay safe in your bubble and keep up the good work,
    From Mrs Mackenzie 😎

  6. Hi Disaree, it's great to hear about what you have been doing during lockdown. What wonderful clear instructions you gave for making a squishy. My grandchildren may enjoy making one. I will tell them how, now you have explained the process. How many Squishies have you made? Do you colour them?
    Hopefully you can join your class on Google Hangout and hear all about what your classmates have been up to.
    Stay safe and we will see you when we are all back at school

  7. Hello Disaree. Wow! Great post you could vist my blog on

  8. 1.Hello Disaree I have tried one of this activities they're actually pretty fun like how you were talking about drawing some times I am bored and i just start doodling
    and it get's pretty fun so i just start drawing properly.
    2ndly the idea of making the squishy thing it's actually pretty cool and yeah i missed school too but now school is back on track


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