Friday, 31 July 2020

Waikowhai Intermediate

Hey bloggers, today I'm going to be sharing with you when the Year 6 went to Waikowhai Intermediate. The first thing we did was that we got on the bus and went down the road. When we arrived we went straight into the hall. In there was the principal and two kids. We got there early and no one easel was there. That meant we got to play on the playground and got to meet our old school friends. After morning tea we went inside and found that all the schools were waiting for us. We got a teacher each and went around the school. It was pretty big and fun. I can't wait until I go to Waikowhai Intermediate but I'm going to miss my friends that are going to another school and teachers. want to see some photo scroll down .Well that all I have for you blogger so blog you later.

Friday, 24 July 2020

Matariki Day

Hey bloggers, today I'm going to be telling you about the activities we did for Matariki. We did a lot of fun things.

So for art we made kites, so first we designed art work then we colored it in with pastel. After we colored it in with dye. It was dyed with different colors. Then we got the bamboo and glue gunned it into a triangle, then we got a cord and glued them around it. Just after that we glued our art work on to the bamboo and put feathers on it.

Maori bread
Maori bread was super yummy and it was fast and easy this might blow your mind for how we made it. So first we add sun raising flower because it ha baking soda then add water for the dough. Then we shaped it into square and we got to put it into the oil. After that we got to put Chocolate, Jam, and butter it was yummmy.

Stop motion 
Stop motion was super fun because we got to retell a story about Matariki. We used play dough to make the characters we also so got white paper to make the background. It was super fun to do and a lot of laughing in that room. When people were finished got to do a voice background. Anyway thanks for reading if you want to see photo scroll down. That's all bye!!